Unlocking Precision through Backbones Architectures: Enhancing Segmentation Performance in Computer Vision Applications

Deeraj Manjaray
3 min readFeb 21, 2024


Backbone (Source: Freepik)

In the field of deep learning, the selection of appropriate models is paramount for achieving optimal results across various tasks. These models serve as the foundation for feature extraction, a critical step in analysing large-scale datasets and identifying patterns within them. These well-trained neural networks serve as robust foundations, demonstrating effectiveness across diverse tasks and industries, particularly in the hands of Machine Learning Engineers striving to create top-tier models.

The significance of choosing the right backbone cannot be overstated, especially in tasks like detection and segmentation. This realisation sparked an era of evolution, exemplified by the Battle of the Backbones: A Large-Scale Comparison of Pre-trained Models across Computer Vision Tasks study, which compared pre-trained models across different computer vision tasks.

In my own experience with object detection and segmentation tasks, several backbone models have proven instrumental:

  • ResNet: ResNet, introduced in 2015, offers a family of convolutional neural network architectures, ranging from ResNet-34 to ResNet-152. These models, with their millions of parameters, excel in semantic segmentation tasks owing to their adeptness at handling deep networks and mitigating the vanishing gradient problem. ResNet-50 and ResNet-101 stand out for their widespread usage in object detection and image segmentation due to their incorporation of skip connections and recurrent units between convolutional and pooling layers, augmented by Batch Normalisation.
Source: Researchgate
  • DenseNet: Introduced in 2016, DenseNet is another cornerstone in convolutional neural network architecture. Notable for its ability to enhance feature propagation while minimising parameter count, DenseNet variants like DenseNet-121 and DenseNet-264 find favour as backbones for semantic segmentation tasks. Their characteristic connectivity pattern, where each layer receives input from all preceding layers, optimises feature utilisation and fosters efficient learning.
Source: Researchgate
  • ResNeXt: Building upon the ResNet architecture, ResNeXt introduces a novel approach by replacing consecutive layers with parallel branches within each block. This intricate design allows for enhanced feature learning and parameter efficiency, as demonstrated by its superior performance on benchmark datasets like ImageNet and MS COCO.
Source: Researchgate
  • DarkNet: DarkNet-19, an offshoot of the DarkNet architecture, presents an efficient network design characterised by convolutional-max-pooling layers. Emphasising simplicity and parameter reduction, DarkNet-19 has found application in various object detection methods, including YOLOv2 and YOLO-v3-v4.
Source: What’s new in YOLO v3?


Despite their undeniable utility, backbone models are not without their challenges. Issues such as limited interpretability, high computational costs, and susceptibility to overfitting necessitate careful consideration and fine-tuning when incorporating them into deep learning pipelines. However, the benefits they offer in terms of feature extraction and model robustness often outweigh these drawbacks, particularly in tasks where nuanced understanding and precise segmentation are paramount.


In conclusion, while not every computer vision task requires the utilisation of backbone models, they undoubtedly serve as invaluable tools for feature extraction in deep learning endeavours. By understanding their strengths, weaknesses, and optimal use cases, practitioners can leverage backbone models to unlock new frontiers in segmentation and beyond.



Deeraj Manjaray

Machine Learning Engineer focused on building technology that helps people around us in easy ways. Follow : in.linkedin.com/in/deeraj-manjaray